
Terraform and WSL2 issue

Here’s a quick note on an issue that I encountered today (plus it seems, many other people).

I went to run a Terraform workflow on my system via WSL2, but I cam across a number of problems.

First, was that I couldn’t obtain the State that was stored in an Azure Storage account container. Previously, I used the following config:

backend "azurerm" {
    resource_group_name  = ""
    storage_account_name = ""
    container_name       = "terraform-backend"
    key                  = ""

At runtime, I would specify the values like the example below.

export TF_CLI_ARGS_init="-backend-config=\"storage_account_name=${TERRAFORM_STATE_CONTAINER_NAME}\" -backend-config=\"resource_group_name=${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}\" -backend-config=\"access_key=${STG_KEY}\""

However, today, that didn’t work as it just stalled trying to connect to the storage container.

I thought it was something wrong with my credentials, so for troubleshooting purposes, I added the storage account key to see if that made a difference

backend "azurerm" {
    resource_group_name  = ""
    storage_account_name = ""
    container_name       = "terraform-backend"
    key                  = ""
    access_key           = ""

I added the primary storage key and lo and behold, this time, it worked.

Strange, as I hadn’t updated the terraform cli or providers.

The next problem I saw was that when I tried to run

terraform plan

it would not complete, seemingly freezing. To troubleshoot this, I ran

export TF_LOG="TRACE"

before running the plan to tell me what was happening in the background.

This in turn produces a verbose output, but something that did catch my was this:

Strange. I know I have internet connectivity and I could certainly connect to Azure using az cli, so I did some Goole-fu and found the following:

It was exactly the same problem I had encountered.

Applying the fix worked for me and persisted beyond a reboot.

(run the code below in your WSL2 instance)

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf'
sudo bash -c 'echo "[network]" > /etc/wsl.conf'
sudo bash -c 'echo "generateResolvConf = false" >> /etc/wsl.conf'
sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

It appears to have occurred in the latest Windows update and affects WSL2. It only appears to affect Go / Terraform as far as I can tell.

Hopefully this will help anyone having a similar issue until the Go provider is fixed.

Azure Bastion undocumented requirement gotcha

Just a quick post to highlight an undocumented requirement for Azure Bastion that I came across when deploying a Landing Zone.

I’m creating a new landing zone for a client and we’re using Azure Bastion for secure access to IaaS VM’s. I decided to create the resource in a separate resource group than the Virtual Network as it was uncertain whether this was going to be required long term or not. There’s nothing in the current documentation that indicates that it isn’t possible, so I tried to deploy.

After a few minutes, it failed:

Here’s the less than helpful error:

No matter what I tried (Portal, Terraform, Azure CLI), the same occurred.

Upon speaking to Azure Support, this is a known issue and the mitigation is to deploy the Bastion host within the same Resource Group as the Virtual Network that it is trying to connect to.

I’ve experienced the same when deploying API Management in Azure, but at least the errors from ARM are meaningful and pointed me in the right direction.

Hopefully if you come across the same, and the problem isn’t resolved, this will help you out.

Capturing and using API queries from Azure in PowerShell with Fiddler

Capturing and using API queries from Azure in PowerShell with Fiddler

This is a walkthrough for using Fiddler to capture traffic to Azure from a browser and writing and running that query in PowerShell.  I wrote this because I don't like posts that skip over a key step and explain the entire thing with a wave of the hand.  Although this article stands on it own, it is a key step in another series.

Resource Tagging Best Practices Applied (Part 2 – Enforcement)

Resource Tagging Best Practices Applied (Part 2 – Enforcement)

This post is following on from part 1 about resource tagging on resource groups where we setup azure policies to look for the existence of resource tags on resource groups.  While this is helpful to understand the scale of the problem, the real problem is getting people to tag their resource groups when they create them.  I work with a bunch of misfits and mavericks and while all brilliant in their own right, asking them to do anything as simple as tagging their stuff is about as futile as yelling at the rain to stop.

Resource Tagging Best Practices Applied (Part 1 - Auditing)

Resource Tagging Best Practices Applied (Part 1 - Auditing)

Our most popular blog post was about resource tagging best practices. I thought I would follow up that post with some real-world application of tagging best practices in our own environment with the explicit purpose of tracking down Azure spend and getting that spend information into people's inboxes so they can take action to reduce costs.