As I’ve been away on holiday (vacation) I missed out on a fairly crucial piece of information from the release notes for Integrated systems.
How many people picked up on this?
So, be prepared after you’ve run the update to lose some of the capacity that was previously available to tenants.
I confess to not having any insight into how the Infrastructure Ring will work, and was at first dubious to the claim of reducing overall consumption at first, but my guess is that on each hardware node there will be a VM which will be running Service Fabric, and from within there, they will run containerized versions of the XRP, ACS (Azure Consistent Storage), WAS (Admin management endpoint & portal), WASP (User management endpoint & portal). I’m not sure if the Network Controllers, Gateway or SLB’s could move to the containerized platform.
Doing some rough calculations by looking at the Infrastructure Roles Blade in the Admin Portal, I calculated that currently the VM’s hosting the roles I guessed would be moving currently consume 102 GB and 36 vCPU.
Example of where to find out the VM sizes of infra roles in the Admin Portal:
So, in reality it looks like vCPU consumption will in fact increase, but Memory decrease, and you know what, I’m OK with that. Memory is the most precious resource in my opinion, as it is not over-committed. You’re likely to run out of that before Compute.
Hopefully we can see the benefits of the new architecture soon.