
Creating an Azure Stack AD FS SPN for use with az CLI

Creating an Azure Stack AD FS SPN for use with az CLI

Following on from my previous blog post on filling in the gaps for AD FS on Azure Stack integrated systems, here are some more complete instructions on creating a Service Principal on Azure Stack systems using AD FS as the identity provider. Why do you need this? Well, check out the following scenarios as taken from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-stack/azure-stack-integrate-identity#spn-creation:

There are many scenarios that require the use of a service principal name (SPN) for authentication. The following are some examples:

  • CLI usage with AD FS deployment of Azure Stack

  • System Center Management Pack for Azure Stack when deployed with AD FS

  • Resource providers in Azure Stack when deployed with AD FS

  • Various third party applications

  • You require a non-interactive logon

Creating a custom Windows image for MaaS

Creating a custom Windows image for MaaS

Continuing on the Maas theme from yesterday, I thought I'd put up a post about my experience with Windows imaging for MaaS. The Windows Openstack Imaging Tools are great for creating Windows images for Maas. They provide support for creating gold images, custom drivers, and pretty much anything else you'd want for custom image creation.